I had high hopes for this app, but after downloading it and playing with it for two minutes, I realized it doesnt work for me at all, because it forces too much structure on you. I find this especially annoying, since the app looks like it will mimic the ease of paper. I really hope the developers fix these issues, because the app has a lot of promise.
Here are some examples.
1) Creating a grocery list: You are required to create a category for all the items within your list. It forces you create sections like "Dairy" & "Produce," which just slows you down. I dont need to be **that** organized. A simple list of items would be fine. Then when you want to delete items, it deletes the categories too, so that you have to recreate them the next time. (Or you could save them for later... with a bunch more of extra steps...)
2) Folders - again... seems like a great idea... A Folder called to To Do, but then you have to have a list in the folder, and sub-categories in the list, which makes the app very unwieldy if you just want to jot down a quick list of errands you need to run on the way home from work.
I hope the developers will take some of the features of this app (folders and categories) and make then available when needed!! Then they will have an awesome product.
5owls about ListKeeper